Would you kill your whole family for $20.000? How about twenty trillion dollars?

Imagine having a different movie star have sex with you every day on your yacht in the Caribbean while you watched the sun set after eating every dessert you could ever want from your private kitchen...and every single day for the rest of your life will be like that!

That is how some rich people live. Some of those rich people would KILL to keep that cash coming in so they could do those kinds of crazy things. Some of those people that do those things and kill to keep doing those things are elected politicians!

The amount of money that is in play in this corruption case is so large that it makes Silicon Valley oligarchs do insane things. They live in a delusional money-bubble of endless wealth and zero law enforcement!

Most of the money is traded at a few major stock exchanges in the world like London stock exchange, New york stock exchange, Mumbai stock exchange and Tokyo stock exchange etc. Where the most of the currency in the world is under play by the major banks and investment firms of the world. The Stock market actually is the most busiest place in the world handling the stock markets of the whole of the united states selling and buying of stocks this resulting to the size of the world stock market that is approximated at about trillion of US dollars at the beginning of October 2008. Total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 trillion face or nominal value, 11 times the size of the entire world economy, making it the busiest in the world.

The World Bank publishes global data on stocks traded by $ value here.

Most exchanges publish this stat. Here is the data for NASDAQ

And the Indian stock market volume data (in Indian Rupees) is here.

A simple ruling on one page of paper from the U.S. Department of Energy has been stock market leveraged and manipulated into billions of dollars and trillions of future dollars.

People have people killed for trillions of dollars. People bribe Presidential candidates for trillions of dollars. Politicians and Silicon Valley Oligarchs will do ANY crime to pay for their sex parties, jets and private islands. Here is one their schemes to control that kind of money that Elon Musk and the Google boys came up with: